there are many games that have greatly impacted me and that I consider integral to who I am, but never has something so quickly felt genuinely life-changing than playing through your art. I hope you and everyone else involved are endlessly proud of what you've created
Dear AlgebraFalcon, your games never fail to amaze me. I can explore your rpg maker worlds for hours and hours and never cease to be in awe. Thank you for putting time and effort into your amazing art. This game was fantastic.
im gonna try scepeter files after doing time is solid here a couple of years ago. this was a good solid game with choices intertwined that could result in a lot of mixed results, and thats the flair of this rpg maker game.
this was so fun to play! im def gonna play again to try and get other outcomes. is there an official ost anywhere? i'd love to listen to this music on spotify. edit: nvm found it! wonderful soundtrack <3
Would you be able to share it (spotify link)? Ive been trying to search for it and I cant seem to find it. And the OST its just beautiful and I really want to listen to it (T.T)
Edit: Found a way to rightfully download the complete OST ( just in case you didnt know), but I would still love to have it on Spotify, so if its not a bother pls share it :)
So excited to play this! After playing time is solid here, I checked out your youtube channel to see if you lot had made any other games, and turned out you did! So here I am :D I saw a familiar face in the trailer (charon, if I remember correctly), and I'm not sure if thats gonna mean anything or not in the game, but regardless, I'm looking forward to playing this!
Oh my! It has been one fine experience to play the game! I really love how the plot proceeds and how the overall question of cohabitation is carried out. Thanks so much to develop such amazing work!
i love the game so far, but when i got to eating dinner w my partner the game started glitching :/ it says Loading Error failed to load and then it has a retry button. i keep clicking it but after a few seconds it comes back. what should i do :
This was absolutely phenomenal. I played your other game, Time is Solid Here, and while I find that one to be beautiful as well, this is such a step up! So excited to see where your creativity leads you in the future :)
you have an incredibly unique style, i'm really glad that throughout the vast monster that is the internet i managed to find you looking forward to more of your creations
Hey! I loved this game, and I thought the references to Time is Solid Here were really cool! Would you be able to DM me the ending guides on Discord? My account is nerdyHellion#2914. Thank you so much!
Hello! I played through this game after finishing Time Is Solid Here, and I absolutely love it! Unfortunately, I got a sad ending :( Are you still DMing ending guides? I want to see all of the endings and see if there's a happy ending for everyone LOL
woooo i also want the ending guides, my discord is Spitez#5315 ! Also this game was SO good, im really looking forward for all your future projects!! (:
Time is Solid Here already blew me away, but this completely destroyed me. Currently on my second playthrough, can I also get a discord DM of the endings? This a masterpiece of a game, and shows so much progression in game design since Time - ecstatically awaiting for you to make another one of my favorite games.
This game is by far one of my favorites, its so incredible that I cant even formulate it into words. I'm someone who adores horror games in all shapes and forms, but this was just so creative and out of the box. All of your games are so breathtaking and delightful, and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish in the future.
I would like to ask, and I have seen someone comment it before, but is there a way for you to DM me the ending guide? This game has become a special interest of mine, and I would like to explore it more and find all of the endings!!
Hello! I just finished the game and wanted to know if your offer to the ending guide is still up. Great game btw. I played both this and Time is Solid Here. The art, the characters, and just the atmosphere in general *Chef kiss*.
I love the game so much and am currently in the process of getting all of the endings (hopefully). But I think I came across something the creator most likely didn't intend. At the end of the first work day on Earth you can see an email saying "call me on speakerphone when you talk to the alien" before the partner should know about the alien. I could be misinterpreting though! Thanks for making such an awesome game, AlgebraFalcon!
i have to say, i really, REALLY adore the two games you have out. the style of your games with the abstract ai-generated art, existential themes, they really remind me of older Weird rpg maker games but with a more modern take and it's fantastic.
one thing i ask, would you ever consider making a small ending guide for this? i found 5 endings, but the ability to have an actual guide to follow after the first few would be nice for seeing everything :']
if you ever make any more games, i really do look forward to playing them!!
I have an ending guide, but I don't want it to be publicly available because I don't want any surprises to be ruined. Is there a way I can DM it to you?
This was an incredibly fascinating experience for me. I don't typically find myself engaged in RPG Maker style games because it's really easy to overdo dialogue and exposition, but this game simply nails it every which way. I wasn't too sure what kind of a horror game this would be, and I think that's a good mindset for anyone who'd like to play it. The more you know, the less effective the incoming 'dread' will be.
Your decisions mattering is a talking point of nearly every RPG Maker horror game in existence so I paid it no real attention when reading it, but it's actually true here. As I was nearing the end of the game, it really did feel as though every decision I made weighed heavily and carried great impact or influence in the 'universe' so to speak.
I'm an optimist at heart, so some dialogue was difficult for me to get behind. For example, there's no way that I would still be with our 'partner' for three years. I don't support that level of negativity where people opt to see the world through a lens in which only the painful undesirable things exist. I'm not so naïve that I believe coexistence or even just existence for that matter, isn't an incredibly dangerous and unforgiving experience; It certainly is, but it is also everything we have. Humanity has consistently improved the conditions of its people despite the setbacks of war, disease, or hubris. This is how I feel about the human condition, even with all that is going on. We are resilient and will make it through as we always have for millions of years.
That being said, any game that can draw out such a deep and philosophical discussion is testament to its genius-level writing. I can't wait to see what you do next!
Thank you for all the feedback, and I loved watching your playthrough! You brought in a lot of historical details and insight which I really liked. As for the cynicism, I agree, ideally I should have been able to write around the player being more optimistic in some sections besides the ending -- I think I wrote this in a very cynical period of my life lol. Additionally, you should have achieved a different ending with your change of choice, so I'll go investigate why that didn't happen in your playthrough. Thank you again for your feedback and detailed response, this is the reason why I make games :)
Another excellent game by Algebra Falcon. Everything in this game was amazing. The storyline, the music and the artstyle. Such crudes but realistic endings as well. Loved every single bit of Cohabitation :)
this game is SUCH A MASTERPIECE! I loved Time is solid here and was sooo exited for you to realease a new game and oh boy was this good! I wondered how many endnings there were?:)
So, I posted the first part of my 4-part LP series yesterday but I finished the game today (took a bit because my voice - as can be heard - is on gollum-levels of awful) and I gotta say: what a treat! I went in this completely open but still was surprised by the sci-fi setting. The world building, and the visuals - stunning. I loved the twist and your soundtrack and music cues are amazing.
Also, as a horror lets player, I have to say that your scares were some of the best I’ve experienced in a long time. Visually absolutely stunning - they were terrifying on a Junji Ito/Attack of the Titans level but also the atmosphere/tension and gameplay during those scenes were great. And I think the placement of them turned this game into a cool genre mix (just as time is solid, I guess) which I always enjoy when it’s well done.
All in all - stunning. It’s because of dev teams like yours that indie horror games will always be so much more exciting than the big players because you just dare to experiment and try new things.
Also: sorry, the first part is a lot of croaky reading and me ranting about stuff (not about the game :D), I managed to stop seconds before it gets spooky without knowing it.
This comment and your Let's Play mean so much to me! I'm making my way through part 1 of your videos right and really appreciate how you want to explore all the details of the game :) I'll let you know about all my future game projects!
Thanks so much. The rest of the videos will probably uploaded in the next two weeks but I can notify you when they are all up to spare you the backtracking to my playlist :D
Alrighty, it took a while due to my video schedule and another series I am currently doing but I posted the last episode today. It was a gorgeous ride, thanks so much, again.
Update: Just finished watching them all. That was so wonderful, and I loved hearing your thoughts at the end. I'm glad to have made something you enjoyed so much!
Thank you so much for mentioning me in the game :) i finally got to post the vid of it and you guys did a great job i loved it ! i hope you enjoy the show and dont mind me ranting :D
No problem, thank you for giving the demo a spotlight! We were touched by how in depth you went with your playthrough and loved to hear your thoughts about it.
Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.
I have played the demo for the game and was really surprised at how the human world was being connected to Alkia in the story for the game. I enjoyed the story of the game as it really puts the player in a dilemma as to whether to help Earth or Alkia or both. The game has made use of surrealism, horrifying character designs and chase sequences to depict the horrors of the Hull in Alkia and also went ahead to explore the story of the human on Earth as well, showing what Earth is facing in-game and in real life.
I just finished playing the game and would just like to share my thoughts on the game and why did I choose to end in the ending that I have chosen. I felt that the alkians, being aliens that are much more intelligent than humans are definitely going to appear as a big threat to humans. Alkians also have a hierarchy which is the complete opposite to the "freedom" that Earth preaches. Moreover, Alkians are being targetted by the hull and it would be devastating for the humans if the hull followed the alkians back to Earth as well.
The hull are actually nice but are sadly forced to eat Alkians as food due to how they were formed and created in Alkia. They cannot be blamed and it wouldn't be fair for them if they had to starve to death if the Alkians leave or even having to chase the Alkians to Earth, posing as a threat to both the Alkians and humans.
On the other side, Jane and the main human character are quite selfish as they have only considered what was happening on Earth the entire time, with no regards to the Alkian's safety and position. They only cared about ending the war on Earth and did not try to look from the perspective of Alkians. War is inevitable due to the fear of countries becoming too strong. Hence, consequences of war should be faced by humans themselves instead of dragging another planet into the situation.
I am curious as to what were the other endings and whether there are better endings than the one I had picked. I had a great time playing the game and loved the soundtrack used for the game as well. I hope to see even more games made by AlgebraFalcon in the future as you guys certainly did a good job in story-telling and designing of characters and music.
Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.
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there are many games that have greatly impacted me and that I consider integral to who I am, but never has something so quickly felt genuinely life-changing than playing through your art. I hope you and everyone else involved are endlessly proud of what you've created
Thank you I am beyond flattered at your words! We are starting a new, bigger game project soon so I hope you look forward to it!
Dear AlgebraFalcon, your games never fail to amaze me. I can explore your rpg maker worlds for hours and hours and never cease to be in awe. Thank you for putting time and effort into your amazing art. This game was fantastic.
Thank you man, it means a lot :)
Epic gripping story. Had me terrified at times and to counteract that with the cozy home was just incredible. Wow.
This is heckin amazing, the uncanny graphics I really love-
Also, not me trying to figure out if I can pick the mouse guy instead of picking a person at the start lol
Just a really beautiful art piece overall
the big creature thing is a caeser cypher (-3) and the binary translates to "Thank you for playing my game!"
im gonna try scepeter files after doing time is solid here a couple of years ago. this was a good solid game with choices intertwined that could result in a lot of mixed results, and thats the flair of this rpg maker game.
Just finished playing both Time Is Solid Here and this game, Cohabitation, and both were amazing experiences. I really look forward to more games!
this was so fun to play! im def gonna play again to try and get other outcomes. is there an official ost anywhere? i'd love to listen to this music on spotify. edit: nvm found it! wonderful soundtrack <3
Would you be able to share it (spotify link)? Ive been trying to search for it and I cant seem to find it. And the OST its just beautiful and I really want to listen to it (T.T)
Edit: Found a way to rightfully download the complete OST ( just in case you didnt know), but I would still love to have it on Spotify, so if its not a bother pls share it :)
I just requested that monom uploads it on Spotify and he said yes!
Lets gooooooo, then Ill look forward to it
Update: monom has posted the Cohabitation soundtrack alongside the Time is Solid Here soundtrack on Spotify!
Thanks <3
such an intriguing story ! a bit overwhelming to have to make such big decisions on both sides of the story but it was fun nonetheless
So excited to play this! After playing time is solid here, I checked out your youtube channel to see if you lot had made any other games, and turned out you did! So here I am :D I saw a familiar face in the trailer (charon, if I remember correctly), and I'm not sure if thats gonna mean anything or not in the game, but regardless, I'm looking forward to playing this!
Are you still sending written walkthroughs to get all endings? my discord is harumiwa#6988!
Is the circle of sleeping people a Paranoia Agent reference?
yup! That's my favorite anime :)
Oh my! It has been one fine experience to play the game! I really love how the plot proceeds and how the overall question of cohabitation is carried out. Thanks so much to develop such amazing work!
For anyone who wants a translation of binary code:
01010100 01101000 01100001 01101110 011010011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01111001 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100111 01100001 01101101 01100101 00100001 00001010
Translation: Thank you for playing my game!
i love the game so far, but when i got to eating dinner w my partner the game started glitching :/ it says Loading Error failed to load and then it has a retry button. i keep clicking it but after a few seconds it comes back. what should i do :
Could you attach a screenshot here? This is likely for a missing file but I am not sure what file would be missing
soooooooooooooo anyone know what to do with the key card you get from the dead rat on the right?
This was absolutely phenomenal. I played your other game, Time is Solid Here, and while I find that one to be beautiful as well, this is such a step up! So excited to see where your creativity leads you in the future :)
you have an incredibly unique style, i'm really glad that throughout the vast monster that is the internet i managed to find you
looking forward to more of your creations
Made me feel really weird in the end, loved it!
This was amazing, would recommend to anyone willing to play!
I LOVE YOUR GAMES. they are terrifying and have amazing stories
Hey! I loved this game, and I thought the references to Time is Solid Here were really cool! Would you be able to DM me the ending guides on Discord? My account is nerdyHellion#2914. Thank you so much!
Hello! I played through this game after finishing Time Is Solid Here, and I absolutely love it! Unfortunately, I got a sad ending :( Are you still DMing ending guides? I want to see all of the endings and see if there's a happy ending for everyone LOL
Yeah what's the best place to DM you?
Discord, please! @DaFabNam#7905
woooo i also want the ending guides, my discord is Spitez#5315 ! Also this game was SO good, im really looking forward for all your future projects!! (:
love it!
Super unique experience, definitely an interesting game and a worthy successor to Time is Solid Here!
Looking forward to more from you, AlgebraFalcon!
just finished playing this, it was amazing :)
Time is Solid Here already blew me away, but this completely destroyed me. Currently on my second playthrough, can I also get a discord DM of the endings? This a masterpiece of a game, and shows so much progression in game design since Time - ecstatically awaiting for you to make another one of my favorite games.
Give me your username and yea! :)
thanks dude! it's OfficialDrakeVEVO#3280
This game is by far one of my favorites, its so incredible that I cant even formulate it into words. I'm someone who adores horror games in all shapes and forms, but this was just so creative and out of the box. All of your games are so breathtaking and delightful, and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish in the future.
I would like to ask, and I have seen someone comment it before, but is there a way for you to DM me the ending guide? This game has become a special interest of mine, and I would like to explore it more and find all of the endings!!
Thank you so much, it means a lot :) do you have discord/twitter?
Hello! I just finished the game and wanted to know if your offer to the ending guide is still up. Great game btw. I played both this and Time is Solid Here. The art, the characters, and just the atmosphere in general *Chef kiss*.
do you have a Twitter/discord I can DM it to you on?
Discord would fine. It's Wuu#4173.
Oh my gosh hi, sorry a lot of stuff happened so i havent been too active!! And yes, my discord is Critter#9111 !!
I love the game so much and am currently in the process of getting all of the endings (hopefully). But I think I came across something the creator most likely didn't intend. At the end of the first work day on Earth you can see an email saying "call me on speakerphone when you talk to the alien" before the partner should know about the alien. I could be misinterpreting though! Thanks for making such an awesome game, AlgebraFalcon!
Thank you for making me aware of this and will take note of it! I've been thinking of making a patch to fix some issues that I've seen in let's plays
had me beyond emotional at the credits. amazing work. beautiful art and story. couldn't ask for more.
i have to say, i really, REALLY adore the two games you have out. the style of your games with the abstract ai-generated art, existential themes, they really remind me of older Weird rpg maker games but with a more modern take and it's fantastic.
one thing i ask, would you ever consider making a small ending guide for this? i found 5 endings, but the ability to have an actual guide to follow after the first few would be nice for seeing everything :']
if you ever make any more games, i really do look forward to playing them!!
I have an ending guide, but I don't want it to be publicly available because I don't want any surprises to be ruined. Is there a way I can DM it to you?
Your decisions mattering is a talking point of nearly every RPG Maker horror game in existence so I paid it no real attention when reading it, but it's actually true here. As I was nearing the end of the game, it really did feel as though every decision I made weighed heavily and carried great impact or influence in the 'universe' so to speak.
I'm an optimist at heart, so some dialogue was difficult for me to get behind. For example, there's no way that I would still be with our 'partner' for three years. I don't support that level of negativity where people opt to see the world through a lens in which only the painful undesirable things exist. I'm not so naïve that I believe coexistence or even just existence for that matter, isn't an incredibly dangerous and unforgiving experience; It certainly is, but it is also everything we have. Humanity has consistently improved the conditions of its people despite the setbacks of war, disease, or hubris. This is how I feel about the human condition, even with all that is going on. We are resilient and will make it through as we always have for millions of years.
That being said, any game that can draw out such a deep and philosophical discussion is testament to its genius-level writing. I can't wait to see what you do next!
Thanks for making games!
Thank you for all the feedback, and I loved watching your playthrough! You brought in a lot of historical details and insight which I really liked. As for the cynicism, I agree, ideally I should have been able to write around the player being more optimistic in some sections besides the ending -- I think I wrote this in a very cynical period of my life lol. Additionally, you should have achieved a different ending with your change of choice, so I'll go investigate why that didn't happen in your playthrough. Thank you again for your feedback and detailed response, this is the reason why I make games :)
Another excellent game by Algebra Falcon. Everything in this game was amazing. The storyline, the music and the artstyle. Such crudes but realistic endings as well. Loved every single bit of Cohabitation :)
this game is SUCH A MASTERPIECE! I loved Time is solid here and was sooo exited for you to realease a new game and oh boy was this good! I wondered how many endnings there were?:)
There are 8 endings :)
I love this game <3 i dont have much to say but its amazing!
So, I posted the first part of my 4-part LP series yesterday but I finished the game today (took a bit because my voice - as can be heard - is on gollum-levels of awful) and I gotta say: what a treat! I went in this completely open but still was surprised by the sci-fi setting. The world building, and the visuals - stunning. I loved the twist and your soundtrack and music cues are amazing.
Also, as a horror lets player, I have to say that your scares were some of the best I’ve experienced in a long time. Visually absolutely stunning - they were terrifying on a Junji Ito/Attack of the Titans level but also the atmosphere/tension and gameplay during those scenes were great. And I think the placement of them turned this game into a cool genre mix (just as time is solid, I guess) which I always enjoy when it’s well done.
All in all - stunning. It’s because of dev teams like yours that indie horror games will always be so much more exciting than the big players because you just dare to experiment and try new things.
Also: sorry, the first part is a lot of croaky reading and me ranting about stuff (not about the game :D), I managed to stop seconds before it gets spooky without knowing it.
This comment and your Let's Play mean so much to me! I'm making my way through part 1 of your videos right and really appreciate how you want to explore all the details of the game :) I'll let you know about all my future game projects!
Thanks so much. The rest of the videos will probably uploaded in the next two weeks but I can notify you when they are all up to spare you the backtracking to my playlist :D
Alrighty, it took a while due to my video schedule and another series I am currently doing but I posted the last episode today. It was a gorgeous ride, thanks so much, again.
Cannot wait to watch it once my schoolwork eases up, your lets plays are all absolute joys to watch through :)
Update: Just finished watching them all. That was so wonderful, and I loved hearing your thoughts at the end. I'm glad to have made something you enjoyed so much!
It's always a pleasure!
Very great game! This is the best thing I've played in a long time. I love the creepy, surreal art and the dialogue between all of the characters.
However, I am deeply disappointed that I can't date the alien
Lol, maybe you can date the alien in the sequel :)
s e q u e l ?
Thank you so much for mentioning me in the game :) i finally got to post the vid of it and you guys did a great job i loved it ! i hope you enjoy the show and dont mind me ranting :D
No problem, thank you for giving the demo a spotlight! We were touched by how in depth you went with your playthrough and loved to hear your thoughts about it.
awww you guys are really sweet :) and you did a good job with the game cuz it was really engaging and fun to play !
I have played the demo for the game and was really surprised at how the human world was being connected to Alkia in the story for the game. I enjoyed the story of the game as it really puts the player in a dilemma as to whether to help Earth or Alkia or both. The game has made use of surrealism, horrifying character designs and chase sequences to depict the horrors of the Hull in Alkia and also went ahead to explore the story of the human on Earth as well, showing what Earth is facing in-game and in real life.
I just finished playing the game and would just like to share my thoughts on the game and why did I choose to end in the ending that I have chosen. I felt that the alkians, being aliens that are much more intelligent than humans are definitely going to appear as a big threat to humans. Alkians also have a hierarchy which is the complete opposite to the "freedom" that Earth preaches. Moreover, Alkians are being targetted by the hull and it would be devastating for the humans if the hull followed the alkians back to Earth as well.
The hull are actually nice but are sadly forced to eat Alkians as food due to how they were formed and created in Alkia. They cannot be blamed and it wouldn't be fair for them if they had to starve to death if the Alkians leave or even having to chase the Alkians to Earth, posing as a threat to both the Alkians and humans.
On the other side, Jane and the main human character are quite selfish as they have only considered what was happening on Earth the entire time, with no regards to the Alkian's safety and position. They only cared about ending the war on Earth and did not try to look from the perspective of Alkians. War is inevitable due to the fear of countries becoming too strong. Hence, consequences of war should be faced by humans themselves instead of dragging another planet into the situation.
I am curious as to what were the other endings and whether there are better endings than the one I had picked. I had a great time playing the game and loved the soundtrack used for the game as well. I hope to see even more games made by AlgebraFalcon in the future as you guys certainly did a good job in story-telling and designing of characters and music.
Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.
Thank you for your detailed feedback! It means a lot and I loved watching your playthrough :)